
    Information on Africans contributions to science, technology, sports, movie


    Before now, it was hard to find information on the contributions of Africans to science and technology but currently, there is progress.

    It was easy to conclude that there are either non or very little. However, time has proven this to be wrong. Evidence shows that many of the inventions and innovations in the world past and present have an African behind them. Bettye Greene’s story is a succinct tale of this assertion.

    Out Of Africa, you would find the world’s fastest runners, Gymnast legends, boxing legends, renowned artists, movie icons, tennis legends, and of course great inventors, inventors with multiple inventions.

    A shortlist of African Giants. Professor Mashudu, in 2019, made history and became the first in the world to cure a 35-year-old patient’s deafness by using 3D printing technology.

    Dr Oluyinka O. Olutoye operated on a 23 weeks fetus and afterward, he returned the fetus back to the mother’s womb. The child is alive and well.

    England’s Smartest Family are The Imafidons. All siblings are geniuses.

    Philip Emeagwali “Father of the internet” invented a formula that spawned the Internet. Time Magazine named him “The Awesome Hero Behind The Internet”, CNN named him “The Father Of The Internet”, Ex-US President Bill Clinton named him “One Of The Great Minds Of The Information Age”.

    Tomisin Ogunnubi caught the attention of tech companies after creating “My Locator”, a genius app that helps lost children find their way back home.

    Zimbabwe-born William Sachiti, a self-described “serial entrepreneur”, created Europe’s first street-legal driverless cars which are already being used to trial deliveries of goods to households, including in Surrey, United Kingdom.

    Nigerian entrepreneur, Ifedolapo Runsewe, builds a factory where over 100,000 tyres have been recycled into paving blocks and tiles. Ifedolapo started with 4 employees in 2020, and has over 128 now as she’s taken 300,000 discarded tyres from the streets by 2021.

    Listed above are a few of the numerous individuals making an impact in our world. Let’s celebrate them such that these intelligent individuals will not remain invisible to the world.

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