
    “We deny Black people their right to be treated as decent humans globally”- Nicole


    “We deny black people their right to be treated as decent humans globally, we deny black people their true history, we deny them their identity. Most black people in America don’t know where they come from because White people created it”. Stated Nicole Chilaka-Ukpo

    Nicole Chilaka-Ukpo is a White German woman and lives in Germany with her African husband and their children. Her Facebook posts are centered around the subject of “racism and White privilege” which she seems very passionate about.

    The topic of racism has grown familiar across social media over recent years and now gaining more attention globally. However, it is striking for some people to learn that Nicole is White herself and is very passionate about addressing the subject through her Facebook page.

    Nicole is German but speaks in a Nigerian accent when she speaks in English. She expressed that she has always lived in Germany and has been married to her Nigerian husband for 12 years and he taught her how to speak English.

    In one of her Facebook videos, she stated that “White people came to Africa, when they came, they showed themselves as superior to black people. Digging out things that black people already taught them”.

    She concluded that black people civilized White people and there is an obvious reason it is not present in the history books. “The civilization that White people claim that they brought to Africa was dug out of those Africans that lived in Europe”. She stated that White people have lived as long as 8 thousand years but black people have lived as long as 3 million years on Earth.

    According to Nicole “Even many Black people don’t know that the Moors are not just Africans but particularly from West Africa and Central Africa that came to Europe and ruled Spain. They brought civilization to us”. Adding “They taught us how to use soap, how to be decent human beings, all this we didn’t know”.

    Nicole went further “Did you know that the Moors ruled Spain for 700yrs? but where is that in our history books?” She asked.

    She explained the logic behind hiding the true history from blacks “History was hidden from history book because if Black people know! If you give the Black people that power, to know that they once ruled over White people and including the areas we know as white man’s land. It explains why they have to hide it from Black people”. She added that it is logical “Knowing your true history, is knowing your true powers”.

    She stated that the only way out of the challenges black people face today is for Black people to discover their true power. “If white people can’t stop racism, black people will remain victims”.

    Nicole backed her statement by illustrating with a molested or abused child “You cannot tell the victim of rape or molestation of any sort to stop whining about it, stop crying and move on and stop pulling the molestation card”. She expressed that “No one in their right senses would say that to the child. Instead, you expect the authorities to step up for the child, get justice for that abuse or molestation”.

    “But when it comes to racism, we are like all in our feelings. Oh, but am not racist, I never own slaves, my neighbor cousin is black”. Adding that “it goes beyond that. I have seen white people raising black children, having a black husband and are still racist, You mingling with all the black people in the world does not make you less racist”.

    She believes that the society does not tell anyone what racist is, you have to personally figure out its true meaning “You do not have to actively discriminate and also “White privilege does not mean White can’t be poor or discriminated against. Racism is not a verbal exchange.”

    Nicole also noted the responses she gets when she attempts to discuss this topic with people around her. “When I tell people all White people are born racist, they either get upset or get defensive but it’s a fact because the system we are born into, we receive a truckload of privileges”.

    “You can use your White privilege in either a negative way or a positive way, it depends on which way you choose to go. Benefiting off another ethnicity solely because we are White. Whether or not in a predominantly White society. I am systematically forced into the system of racism”.

    She backs her claim by illustrations using work and school. “If two people go for the same job White and Black, the White person gets the job. It is historically proven that we steal and oppress”.

    Another example “A White woman cooks egusi soup, which is a Nigerian dish and the whole social media break loose and she gets famous but there are so many Black people that can cook foreign food, Italian food, Spanish food, and many more but gets not even an eyebrow, nobody will notice them”.

    “When White people visited Africa, we told them (Blacks) we are superior. We whitewash history globally”. She also stated that it is shocking to hear some people say to her, and then, so? and are simply reluctant to care.

    She went further “White people are still benefiting from what transpired over 500 years ago, involving the enslavement, killing, oppression, and raping of Blacks. Until we realize that we are the ones that have to end racism because we created it”.

    “If enough White people stand up on their feet to say enough of the “White Power System” and teach other White people to stand up against this wrongdoing.”

    “Black people like my husband are facing oppression even today in 2019. If I don’t distance myself from it as much as humanly possible, then I am still part of the system”.

    She acknowledged that “while it is not really possible to revoke the White privilege because she is already a White person” but “What I can do is to educate my fellow White people to fight this wrong rather than do nothing or be defensive or give excuses. Trivializing racism and backing it up with Freedom of Speech. Racism has nothing with Freedom of Speech, it’s simply a crime and we must not harbor it any longer”.

    “It is unbelievable to know that in 2019, it is still stirring the worst in Germany. And to think that someone cannot be lawfully convicted of racism calls for concern. If we are not racist, then why is the system built in such a way that still holds on to the past?”.

    Black kids still suffer, I see this because my children go through it every single day in Germany. If we are so eager on defending racism, then why are we still allowing it to flourish? Is it because we don’t care?”.

    When a White person like me call your attention to it, all you are interested in is get upset and defend yourself, it confirms that you are acting it out. You are refusing to see the truth and use the “White Privilege” to seek the only good thing “justice”. After over 500 years we are still dealing with “racism and White privilege”. This decision continues to subject black people in poverty and mistreatment because we want to ensure that White People continue to maintain the same standard”.

    “Black people are only facing this problem because we subjected them to it. The only difference between the past and now is we did put them in shackles but the shackles have been moved to their mind “Mental slavery”. Stated Nicole

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