Getting accepted to college can be a stressful time for any high school student, especially when you’re trying to get into the prestigious Ivy League universities. Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna from Elmont Memorial High School in Long Island New York must have felt that stress as she applied to 12 colleges this year. But with a 101.64 weighted GPA and her Intel Science Talent Search project on cement helping to prevent underwater oil rigs from rupturing, she was sure to receive good acceptances – which is exactly what happened! On Monday Uwamanzu-Nna received the news that she had been accepted to all 8 Ivy Leagues plus 4 other elite universities.
Uwamanzu-Nna, has become the latest to join an exclusive club and be accepted to All Eight Ivy League plus 4 other elite universities in one impressive feat indeed! Not only did this make headlines across the internet and newspapers but also won her an invitation to the White House Science Fair – surely a reward for all her hard work in achieving such standout results!
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Uwamanzu-Nna expressed how “surreal” the experience is, saying, “I am humbled by all of the college acceptance letters that I recently received. I am reminded that I have a responsibility to be a role model for others and use my experiences to encourage and inspire others, especially young women.” Augusta spoke to local CNN affiliate WABC, “I think the main thing that has shaped me into the individual I am now is just tenacity and persistence.”
This impressive feat follows in the footsteps of two other Long Island students: one Harold Ekeh from 2015 and Kwasi Enin from 2014 who, like Uwamanzu-Nna, weren’t going to let anything stand in their way of getting into their dream universities. Both Ekeh and Enin eventually decided to go with Yale. Will Uwamanuzu-Nna follow suit? We’ll have to wait until she makes that decision known in a few months – but regardless of which college she chooses, she’s made her family proud.
Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna with her proud parents
Uwamanzu-Nna is the child of Nigerian immigrants, “Though I was born here in America, I visited Nigeria many times. And I’ve seen that my cousins don’t have the same opportunities that I have. So definitely, whatever I do, I want to make sure that it has an impact on Nigeria.” She says her parents “instilled in her self-confidence, humility and a respect for education,” all the tools to succeed.