
    Smart Business Guy! Jason Weaver Turned Down $2Million For Lifetime Royalties. Thanks To His Mum


    When it comes to making money, patience and long-term thinking can really pay off. Take Jason Weaver, the talented actor and singer behind young Simba’s voice in Disney’s timeless classic, The Lion King. Despite being offered a tempting $2 million upfront for the role, Weaver opted for royalties instead. This decision turned out to be a stroke of genius, as hits like “Hakuna Matata” and “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” from the movie’s soundtrack, which sold a whopping 18 million copies in the US alone, brought him a handsome sum over the years.

    Weaver, keeping his exact earnings close to his chest, is content with the deal he made, and he owes it all to his mom’s wise counsel. In an interview with Vlad TV, he shared that his mother encouraged him to negotiate for royalties, foreseeing the movie’s long-lasting success and revenue potential. It’s a testament that sometimes, slow and steady truly wins the race.

    The Lion King made its grand debut on the silver screen in 1994, capturing hearts as an instant classic. Boasting a memorable soundtrack, heartwarming narrative, and stunning animation, this film had it all. And let’s not overlook the star-studded cast, featuring luminaries like James Earl Jones, Matthew Broderick, and Whoopi Goldberg.

    Beyond charming audiences, the movie shattered box office records, reeling in a staggering $763 million globally. That’s a sum fit for a lion’s share! But its triumphs didn’t end there – The Lion King ascended to become one of the highest-grossing films ever, etching its mark in cinematic lore.

    From the enchanting “Circle of Life” to the poignant conclusion, this film had us all belting out “Hakuna Matata” and yearning to join the Pride Lands. And who could forget the iconic villain, Scar, whose malevolent cackle and cunning plots haunted our dreams?

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