
    Julius Malema “Our oppressors instilled in us the hatred of other Africans”


    Julius Malema stated our oppressors instilled in us the hatred of our own brothers and sisters after teaching us that we are better than them during a recent media briefing on the 5th of September 2019 where he addressed the xenophobia killings.

    Julius who is often heard saying in his rallies that Africans should unite as the only way to solve Africas problem. Adding that we are all Africans, there is nothing special about South Africa while apologising to angered celebrities in the entertainment industry.

    Julius Sello Malema is a South African politician who serves as Member of Parliament and the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters, which he founded in July 2013. He believes that Africa needs to unite to recover from the inferiority complex from colonization and in order to also “remove the minority super wealthy white elites which dominates the ANC”.

    African National Congress is the governing political party, it has been the ruling party of post-apartheid South Africa since the election of Nelson Mandela in the 1994 election.

    Julius Malema condemn the ongoing attack as an act of criminality.

    “The attack we have seen is not justifiable is an act of criminality. We must call them for what they are, it’s crime” Julius Malema

    Criticising the mobs defence, that Nigerians are committing crime selling drugs, so the way to solve a crime is by committing crime? by murdering people? subjecting people to mob justice? Stressing that it makes no sense “You cannot replace crime with crime”.

    “A caller Malema must come to captain park to see Nigerians selling drugs openly”. The only way to deal with such problem is to report it first to the police but if the police refuse to tackle it, then the police must be reported too.

    “The EFF will send the SG to investigate this claim by pretending as a client to buy some drugs”. In so doing, once confirmed by the EFF, we can get the police attention and why actions have not been taken.

    There is no justification for mob killing, selling drug is a crime and everyone must work collectively by turning it into the hands of the police to tackle the problem not turning around to kill random people in a barbaric manner.

    “I am not going to be part of stoning my own brother, my own brothe, then steal from them in the car. Then start claiming that these people are selling drugs and you want me to participate. I am not going to do that”.

    “Another case where someone was saying on twitter to stop condemning the mob killing since they want me to be president and doing so will cost me vote”.

    He rebuked the comment by stating “You can go ahead and wish for a president with such dispicable things, a president of criminals. When you are done dealing with Nigerians, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, Zambia and others, you will turn to the Zulus. I have to stop you now before you come for me “.

    Asking them to continue celebrating while they successfully chased out the African foreigners prepare for when the masterminds also come for South Africans”.

    Then the problem will simply become, we do not have jobs in South Africa because of the Zulus (a tribe of South Africa), it will be too late to get help when there will be no African foreigners to rescue you”

    “The poverty will remain, the hunger will remain and the inequality will remain. Let’s see if you will get the jobs when they are gone”.

    He stated that there is no such thing as xenophobiabia. “Justifying crime and giving it a nice name, xenophobia, afrophobia, it’s crime and should be dealt with as a crime”.

    “I will never be a part of such mess, another human being carrying a heavy stone to kill another human being, not even a white person who has committed genocide deserves that babaric treatment”

    Adding that “crime has no nationality, it’s simply a crime and should be punishable by law. Nigerians must stop selling drugs even in Nigeria, drugs must not be sold anywhere in the world”.

    He highlighted that drugs are engaged in cross-boarder business and not a problem known to South Africa alone. It involves different nationalities accross the globe not just Nigerians.

    “I say to all my brothers and sisters in the entertainment industry that are angered, including music, sports who cancelled their games or performances and have taken a stand, we feel your pain, I totally support you and thank you for taking a stand”.

    Criminals have taken over our streets in South Africa and on a mission to damage South Africa’s reputation.

    “Anyone wearing the EFF shirt must play it very far from that madness, we are not part of the madness but a solution of the problem at hand and an immediate solution. Of which is the removal of the ANC and the confrontation of white monopoly capital”.

    “Why would the anger in the continent be justifiable when they give us roses for fighting and killing our own brothers and sisters”.

    The consequences is that “You are simply about to destroy your own country South Africa out of stupidity”. advising South Africans that if they want to be welcomed by other African nations within Africa continent

    While reaching out to other African countries stating: “Not all South Africans behave barbaric, majority of us know that we are not South Africans, but Africans we are African continent.

    Please do not judge us with the same price. This xenophobia, afrophobia, self hate madness, find it in your good heart because Africans are good people.

    “We come from a traumatised past and struggling in finding ourselves. We are still in the process of soul searching, we will wakeup to realise we are all Africans

    “Our oppressors, who have taken away our brains and minds, who instilled in us the hatred of our own brothers and sisters. It is what they taught us, they taught us that we are better than other Africans. Unfortunately some of us still think like that since colonization”.

    He concluded “We will soon realise, we are nothing without our continent. Other African countries helped us during Apartheid”.

    “If things go bad for us in South Africa we will only be welcomed with open arms by other African countries like they helped us in the past when apartheid government were looking for us and bombing us”.

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