
    Jessikah Inabah UK’s First Black Blind Barrister 


    It’s not often that we come across stories of individuals who are able to break through the traditional boundaries and make history. But this is exactly what 23-year-old Jessikah Inabah has done. Born with an eye condition called bilateral microphthalmia, Jessikah is the first black blind barrister in the United Kingdom. Despite her disability, she was determined to become a lawyer and she did so by completing her degree in Law and Masters all with the help of Braille. Let’s take a closer look at Jessikah’s story as she makes history!

    A Determination to Succeed
    Jessikah Inabah currently lives in Camden but grew up in southeast London with her parents and siblings. From a young age, she was determined to succeed and prove that nothing can stand in the way of achieving greatness. This determination led her to pursue a law degree despite her disability. She completed her entire course using Braille, which is an impressive feat considering how complex legal studies can be!

    Using Technology for Success
    In court, she uses a tiny electronic machine with a Braille keyboard which has one key for each dot and a small screen where symbols pop up. This means she can keep her ears free to listen and can read and edit easily just by using her hands. As a newly qualified barrister, Jessikahfirst placement in chambers .

    A Symbol of Representation
    Jessikah Inabah’s story is truly inspiring as it serves as an example for others who face similar situations or disabilities that they too can achieve success if they remain focused on their goals. Not only does Jessikah’s achievement showcase how resilience triumphs over all else but it also serves as symbol of representation for African people living in Britain who may have felt overlooked or underestimated due to their race or gender.

    The story of Jessikah Inabah is truly inspiring as it shows that no matter what challenges are placed before you, anything is possible if you set your mind to it. Her success serves as an example not only for Africans living in Britain but anyone facing similar obstacles that there are always ways around them if you remain focused on achieving your goals.

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