
    Iddris Sandy: The tech leader who’s coded for Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter


    Iddris Sandy is no ordinary tech leader – at just 13 years old, he began a life changing experience that would put him on an unforgettable trajectory. From his esteemed beginnings at Google’s Binoculars Building in Venice, California to now making waves in the industry, Iddris has quickly become a figurehead for technology and its power to make real change. He is recognised as the young genius who developed an algorithm for Instagram and Snapchat, and has served as a consultant for Twitter.

    Some incredible achievements in such a short period of time that have taken him from Accra, Ghana where he spent the first three years of his life, to the upper echelons of the American tech industry! But he does not stop there: he helped famous rapper Kanye West and Jaden Smith the son of Nollywood icon Will Smith to create an augmented reality experience around music and politics. But his ambitions don’t end with achievements; Sandy is taking a trip to Africa to help local students who need assistance.

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    Iddris Sandy wrote software to filter key activities on Instagram based on a user’s location, and created software for Uber called Autonomous Collision Detection Interface that analyzes a driver’s posture and hand motions. Wow – talk about making an impact! According to Sandy, they use sensors to get your spinal position in the car, as well as special gadgets to measure where your hands are. What a brilliant mixture of invention and analysis!

    After Iddris Sandy meeting with the late rapper Nipsey Hussle at a humble Starbucks, an incredible collaboration ensued that led to the 2018 launch of The Marathon Store in Los Angeles. The store has sold exclusive clothing, accessories and music, which customers could download with an app. It’s no wonder then that within three weeks since opening, renowned figures such as Diddy and Jay-Z paid a visit. Although well-deserving of his success, Sandu isn’t forgetting his roots in Ghana and aims to “level the playing field” between Silicon Valley and the Black communities. Impressive stuff!

    His achievements will leave the average person in awe. From creating an app to help students find their classrooms effortlessly, to writing programs that filtered key sites according to location, to designing Autonomous Collision Detection Interface and even launching an uber-trendy tech-smart store – The Marathon Store – with late rapper Nipsey Hussle at Starbucks, Sandy had proven himself the master of the game.

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    Don’t forget the ultimate accolade – a visit by ex US President Barack Obama through his President Scholar award! The technologically advanced store enabled customers to download exclusive music and digital content through an app – this sure keeps him ahead of the competition! Clearly unrivaled in achievements, Iddris Sandy has definitely made a huge name for himself in the world of tech.

    The tech leader also took it further by hosting student workshops in Africa’s most populous city of Lagos. He desires to pass on his knowledge to African kids so that they’ll have the skills and raw information necessary to create at a higher level. He intends to teach African kids to build platforms they also own. However, if he had the chance he will be “more focused on building infrastructural operating systems for the cities: smart signs, street lights that all talk to each other and can be more efficient.” he had stated in an interview with CNN

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