
    Africa’s Giant Eye Unveils Its True History: Breaking Through Historical Prejudices.


    Africa’s Giant Eye Unveils Its True History: Breaking Through Historical Prejudices. For a long time, prejudices have prevented the world from uncovering the true history of Africa. According to the research first published in 1984 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Pioneers in this field, such as Leo Frobenius, Maurice Delafosse and Arturo Labriola tried to combat these prejudices in the first decades of the 20th century by studying African history objectively.

    Despite their progress, prejudices stemming from colonization and the slave trade stuck around and bred contempt which distorted even our fundamental concepts of historiography. Africans still have had to live with the economic and psychological exploitation created by those prejudices till present.

    As discovered by UNESCO, many non-African experts still relied on prejudices and failed to properly take into account the vast amount of oral tradition that holds the threads of African events contained within it. It was seen as worthless compared to sources such as The Iliad and Odyssey when discussing ancient Greece’s history; but unless prejudices can be left at the door, historians will never be able to acknowledge the efforts and contributions by Africans in building civilisations.

    Prejudices based on racial stereotypes became deeply ingrained and so distorted history itself that it was almost impossible for historians to be objective without overcoming their prejudices. The psychological scars of economic oppression have yet to be fully healed even into the present day.

    Africa Giant is a website that is dedicated to showcasing the contributions of Africans and Africans diaspora to the world civilization. From its vast array of intellectuals and entertainers to its endless supply of inventors. Africa is a continent rich in exhaustive talent, wisdom, perplexed IQ level, culture, mineral resources, and human resources.

    Africa Giant wants to show the world that there is more to the continent than just disease, poverty and corruption stemming from centuries of invasion, slavery and colonialism by foreign powers. They want to show the world that Africa is a land of Giants; a place where talent and wisdom thrive. The website is packed with interesting articles that also features profiles of notable figures from all walks of life as stated above.

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