
    Saheed Adepoju: Built the INYE tablet


    Saheed Adepoju is a young Nigerian entrepreneur who had a dream to create an affordable tablet computer for the African market. He had no business background, and no access to venture capital. But with sheer hard work and determination, he was able to turn his dreams into reality. This is the story of how Saheed made his dream come true.

    From Fired to Fuelled
    Saheed was fired from his first job after college, but that didn’t stop him from pursuing his dreams. After convincing his parents to lend him £40,000 so he could start a tech company called Encipher Limited, Saheed was able to develop the Inye-1 & 2 tablet computers. The tablets were designed to be affordable for the African market in contrast to Apple’s expensive iPad which cost over $700 dollars.

    With a background in software development and being a Sun-certified Java programmer, Saheed was confident in his ability to create something great with limited resources. He also took out small loans from friends and family totaling around $60,000 in order to fund his project. With all this money funding the project, it wasn’t long before word got out about Saheed’s invention and soon enough investors started pouring in!

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    A Pioneer in Technology
    Saheed’s success story is inspiring because it shows that anyone can make their dreams come true if they have passion and dedication. He is now one of Nigeria’s most successful entrepreneurs due to his incredible invention of the Inye-1 & 2 tablets which are now available for purchase all across Africa! His story has been featured on various news outlets including BBC World News, Forbes Africa Magazine, TechCrunch Africa & Silicon Valley’s Emerging Market Ventures (EMV). He has even been invited as a keynote speaker at international conferences such as Mobile World Congress (MWC) and SXSW Interactive Festival where he discussed topics related to technology innovation in emerging markets like Africa!

    The success story of Saheed Adepoju serves as an inspiration for people everywhere who have big dreams but lack resources or connections that seem necessary for success. It goes without saying that hard work pays off; with sheer determination and focus on quality over quantity—like Google’s algorithm—anything can be achieved! With consistent innovation taking place across Nigeria’s tech sector today thanks to pioneers like Adepoju himself, it is safe to say that we can expect great things from this region of Africa in the future! For Africans looking at ways they too can become successful entrepreneurs like Adepoju – reach out your hand and take action today towards making your dreams reality!

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    Africa Giant media, where Africans share information on talent, achievements, culture, economy and more and together we can tell the original Africa story.

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