
    Stephen Wamukota created Jawam washing machine during pandemic


    Jawam washing machine is a foot operated hand washing machine which was created by 9 year old Stephen Wamukota from Mukwa village, in Bungoma county, Western Kenya. This unique invention has earned Stephen who intend to become an engineer in the future the Presidential Order of Service, Uzalendo (Patriotic) Award.

    The Jawam washing machine is simple to use and only requires two buckets of water – one for washing and one for rinsing. It is portable and can be easily moved around, making it ideal for use in schools, offices, or even at home.

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    Jawam washing machine is a great way to promote hygiene and cleanliness, especially among children. With this simple and innovative invention, Stephen is making a difference in his community and setting an example for others to follow. “I had bought some pieces of wood to make a window frame, but [when] I came back home after work one day I found that Stephen had made the machine, ” stated Stephen’s father, James Wamukota, in an interview with BBC

    The Jawam washing machine is unique because it helps people to wash their hands without having to touch the machine, which the young talent quickly created to prevent the spread of germs. Governor Wycliffe Wangamati of Bungoma County has promised Stephen a scholarship. Jawam has proven that young people can also make a difference in the world.

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